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There are a lot of ways to soothe a sunburn like using aloe vera, cucumbers, oat meal, baking soda, potato, etc.

Aloe Vera: 1. Take a leaf of the plant, squeeze out the juice, apply the juice on the sunburn and leave the juice on until it soaks in.

Potato 2:Apply grated potato to the burn or extract the juice of a potato and rub gently over the affected area.

Cucumber 3: Cut some cucumber slices and place over the burn. You can also mash or grate cucumber, mix with a small amount of cold milk and apply to the affected skin.

Oat meal 4:Add two cups of oatmeal to a tub of cool water and immerse the affected area in it for half an hour. You can also make a paste of raw egg white and oatmeal and apply to the burn.

Baking soda 5:Add one or two cups of baking soda to cool water and place the affected area in the solution for 30 minutes. Baking soda may also be added to cool water and sprayed over the skin.

  • Aloe Vera
  • Cucumber
  • Potato
  • Oat meal
  • Baking soda