How to hit a baseball off a tee

Hit a Baseball Off a Tee


Step 1: get your supplies together.

Step 1: get your supplies together.

Step 2: Put the ball on the tee

Step 2: Put the ball on the tee

Step 3: Get balanced and ready in your stance.

Step 3: Get balanced and ready in your stance.

Step 4: Load your hips and arms by transferring your weight to the backside of your body.

Step 4: Load your hips and arms by transferring your weight to the backside of your body.

Step 5: Begin swing by triggering your hips to give you power.

Step 5: Begin swing by triggering your hips to give you power.

Step 6: Throw hands at the ball while keeping the knob of your bat inside the ball until the contact point.

Step 6: Throw hands at the ball while keeping the knob of your bat inside the ball until the contact point.

Step 7: Keep hands firm right after contact point, and do not begin finishing your swing.

Step 7: Keep hands firm right after contact point, and do not begin finishing your swing.

Step 8: Now you may begin to finish your swing.

Step 8: Now you may begin to finish your swing.

Step 9: Now you may finish your swing

Step 9: Now you may finish your swing

And you have done it

  • Audience- baseball players
  • Bucket of baseballs
  • 1 tee
  • A bat