How to have a proper batting stance

Have you ever struggled with batting? Maybe it's because you have an improper batting stance. A proper batting stance may be the key to success.


Tape the paper or base to a hard surface.

Tape the paper or base to a hard surface.

Using the tape, make two rectangular boxes on either side of the base, big enough to stand in. This simulates a batter's box.

Using the tape, make two rectangular boxes on either side of the base, big enough to stand in. This simulates a batter's box.

When holding the bat, point your two pointer fingers so they are parallel.

When holding the bat, point your two pointer fingers so they are parallel.

Step in the batter's box with your feet shoulder width apart.

Step in the batter's box with your feet shoulder width apart.

Bend your knees slightly.

Bend your knees slightly.

Take your elbow facing the pitcher and point it at his feet.

Take your elbow facing the pitcher and point it at his feet.

Take your opposite elbow and make it parallel to the ground.

Take your opposite elbow and make it parallel to the ground.

Point your chin slightly down.

Point your chin slightly down.

Put the bat at a 45\u00b0 angle beside your head.

Put the bat at a 45° angle beside your head.

Put 75% of your weight on your back foot.

Put 75% of your weight on your back foot.

This is a proper batting stance.

This is a proper batting stance.

Now that you know how to have a proper batting stance, soon you'll be on the road to success.

  • A bat or a broom
  • Base or piece of paper as a base
  • Tape