How to grow strawberries successfully (tips)

Grow Strawberries Successfully (Tips)


Make sure they are in full sunlight and have good airflow

Make sure they are in full sunlight and have good airflow

Plant (in subtropical areas) March-April

Plant (in subtropical areas) March-April

Make sure the top of the roots are at soil level

Make sure the top of the roots are at soil level

Water regularly after planting

Water regularly after planting

Plant them 35cm apart and 35cm between rows

Plant them 35cm apart and 35cm between rows

They like well drained soil, rich in humus

They like well drained soil, rich in humus

They hate wet leaves, so water the roots

They hate wet leaves, so water the roots

Give them moderate amounts of water on a regular basis

Give them moderate amounts of water on a regular basis

Mulch your strawberry bed to keep moisture in and prevent disease

Mulch your strawberry bed to keep moisture in and prevent disease

Use mulch to also protect them from weather below 20 degrees

Use mulch to also protect them from weather below 20 degrees

Learn about diseases so you can catch them before they do any harm

Learn about diseases so you can catch them before they do any harm

Cover with bird netting to reduce bird problems and any other things that feed on strawberries

Cover with bird netting to reduce bird problems and any other things that feed on strawberries

  • Strawberry seeds or seedlings
  • Mulch
  • A suitable plot to grow them in
  • Small shovel
  • Soil
  • Water
  • Sunlight