How to grow an avocado plant in about 5 minutes

This is a fun, easy and attractive plant to grow, and free if you eat avocados!


Enjoy a delicious avocado!

Enjoy a delicious avocado!

Remove and wash the pit.

Remove and wash the pit.

With the wide end of the pit facing down, press in 3 or more toothpicks.

With the wide end of the pit facing down, press in 3 or more toothpicks.

Add water to a  clear (for viewing the growth!) mug or glass.

Add water to a clear (for viewing the growth!) mug or glass.

Place your pit in the water. The toothpicks hold the top 1/3 -1/2 out of the water. Change water daily.  Watch for root growth from the bottom and a sprout from the top....wait 1,2,3 weeks...varies.

Place your pit in the water. The toothpicks hold the top 1/3 -1/2 out of the water. Change water daily. Watch for root growth from the bottom and a sprout from the top....wait 1,2,3 weeks...varies.

Happiness! I usually plant mine before the roots/sprouts are this large. You can plant it as soon as you see them. This works too.

Happiness! I usually plant mine before the roots/sprouts are this large. You can plant it as soon as you see them. This works too.

Plant the pit into soil. Water when it's almost dry. Don't overwater. I've killed more than a few that way!

Plant the pit into soil. Water when it's almost dry. Don't overwater. I've killed more than a few that way!

It grows.

It grows.

I have some pots with multiple avocados in them. Enjoy!

I have some pots with multiple avocados in them. Enjoy!

  • Avocado pit
  • Water
  • Glass Mug, vase or container
  • Pot and soil