How to grow a mini garden in a fish bowl

Terrariums are great for small apartment spaces and they're pretty low-maintenance


Put pebbles at the bottom of the fish bowl. Then add activated charcoal

Add soil. Next, arrange your plants. Add some moss. Then spray a little water.

Here you go, a mini ecosystem at your living room. Sorry I wasnt able to take photos while making this terrarium. I made this 2 weeks ago  and so far the plants look great and healthy! \ud83c\udf43\ud83c\udf40\ud83c\udf42

Here you go, a mini ecosystem at your living room. Sorry I wasnt able to take photos while making this terrarium. I made this 2 weeks ago and so far the plants look great and healthy! 🍃🍀🍂

Here's one I made today using a wine bottle.

Here's one I made today using a wine bottle.

  • Fish bowl
  • Pebbles
  • Activated charcoal
  • Soil
  • Moss
  • Plants