Grab your horse! This is Sign and he is just so adorable
Gather your tack
Gather grooming supplies
Begin with a stiff brush to remove dirt
Next use a soft brush to have a nice shiny polished coat
Use a comb to brush the tail and use showsheen as needed for tangles
Do the same for the mane
Use a hoof pick to remove dirt and mud from the feet
Place the saddle pad on the horses back
Next put your saddle on and position it so that it is right behind the horses shoulder
Loop the latigo through the cinch and tighten as needed
Buckle the back cinch so that it is snug
Bring the breast collar across the horses chest and buckle it snugly but make sure that you can slide your hand around under the breast collar.
Clip the bottom breast collar strap to the d-ring on your cinch
Untie your halter and loosely tie it around your horses neck so that you can put your headstall on without him running away
Hold the top of your headstall in one hand and have the bit in your other hand and gently ease the bit into your horses mouth
Bring the top of the headstall over the horses ears and you are done!
Finally finished and ready to ride!
- Audience- Horse Enthusists
- A Horse of Course
- Horse Brushes
- Show Sheen
- Saddle Pad
- Saddle
- Headstall with attached reins
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