How to groom a cat

Groom a Cat


Kitty cats need to be groomed to keep their sunny disposition.

Kitty cats need to be groomed to keep their sunny disposition.

Even if the kitty ha shot hair she needs to be groomed.

Even if the kitty ha shot hair she needs to be groomed.

Kitties may appear bored but actually they are considering their next groom session.

Kitties may appear bored but actually they are considering their next groom session.

Some kitties have more surface to groom but they need it just the same.

Some kitties have more surface to groom but they need it just the same.

If you don't comb or brush your pet you might get a hair ball yak.

If you don't comb or brush your pet you might get a hair ball yak.

It's no fun to find these on the floor. It's even less fun to step on one in the dark.

It's no fun to find these on the floor. It's even less fun to step on one in the dark.

So if your kitty needs a helmet strap it on and get your supplies.

So if your kitty needs a helmet strap it on and get your supplies.

A comb.

A comb.

Or a brush. (sorry for the fragment J and Robin.)

Or a brush. (sorry for the fragment J and Robin.)

Expect some of this.

Expect some of this.

A warm bath is always a bad idea.

A warm bath is always a bad idea.

But a happy groomed cat equals a happy home. The end.

  • Cat with hair
  • Comb
  • Brush