How to goat's cheese potatoes to die for

You think potatoes are a boring side dish to grilled meats? Try this and you'll change your mind!


Boil the potatoes in lightly salted water. Remove from the stove when they are almost done. Let cool & then  cut it in smaller chunks.

Boil the potatoes in lightly salted water. Remove from the stove when they are almost done. Let cool & then cut it in smaller chunks.

Slice the goat's cheese and cut it in smaller pieces (or if you use a dry kind, crumble it).

Slice the goat's cheese and cut it in smaller pieces (or if you use a dry kind, crumble it).

On a piece of foil, put the goat's cheese on top of the potato chunks.

On a piece of foil, put the goat's cheese on top of the potato chunks.

Drizzle olive oil on top, and fresh thyme. Finish off with freshly grounded black pepper and sea salt.

Wrap the foil around the potato chunks and put on the grill.

Wrap the foil around the potato chunks and put on the grill.

Like so. Keep on the grill for about 10 minutes.

Like so. Keep on the grill for about 10 minutes.



Serve with your favorite meat, no sauce is needed!

Serve with your favorite meat, no sauce is needed!

  • 1.0kg Spring potatoes
  • 300.0g Goat's cheese
  • 50.0ml Fresh thyme
  • 3.0Tbsp Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper