How to give a gerbil medicine

Give a Gerbil Medicine


This is Johnny.  Johnny had a very painful, red, swollen nose, so we took him to the vet.  He was diagnosed with dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and was given an antibiotic.

This is Johnny. Johnny had a very painful, red, swollen nose, so we took him to the vet. He was diagnosed with dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and was given an antibiotic.

If you ever need to give your gerbil medicine, this is how you do it. :)

If you ever need to give your gerbil medicine, this is how you do it. :)

Pull up the prescribed 1/10 of a cc of medicine.

Pull up the prescribed 1/10 of a cc of medicine.

Get him out of his nest and try to comfort him.

Get him out of his nest and try to comfort him.

Put the syringe up to his tiny mouth and slowly push the medicine.

Put the syringe up to his tiny mouth and slowly push the medicine.

Johnny is such a good boy!

Johnny is such a good boy!

Tell him what a good boy he is, put him back in his cozy nest, and give him a treat.  He's getting so much better!!

Tell him what a good boy he is, put him back in his cozy nest, and give him a treat. He's getting so much better!!

  • 1.0 Sick gerbil
  • 1.0 Syringe
  • 1.0ml Prescribed meds
  • Love for your gerbil