How to girl scouts outdoor art maker

Girl Scouts Outdoor Art Maker


Muse Prep: Gather things from nature & put on a tiered display in center of the table. (Grapevine sticks fm fairy house, sea shells, small pebbles, glass gems, moss, feathers, flowers from outside.)

Muse Prep 2: If kids are young, leave the center doiley in the middle of the dreamcatcher. If not, they may weaver their own web in the middle. (More items: Sand, leaves, acorns, etc.)

When I’ve earned this badge, I’ll know how to do different kinds of fun art projects outdoors.

As an artist, you can walk outside and see colors, shapes, and ideas for things you want to create. Find out how you can make your own art outdoors and have fun doing it!

Use natural materials such as yarns, jute, feathers, seashells and rocks to embellish and decorate a Native-American inspired dreamcatcher.

The dream catcher is a traditional art form w/ ties to Native American tribes. The dream catcher is hung above the bed to tangle up bad dreams so they can't reach the dreamer.

If desired, cut out doiley to create your own center.Tie yarn/jute around embroidery hoop & wrap the hoop. Then, use yarn to create a web inside the hoop. Cover and trim excess string.

Hot glue embellishments from nature such as sea shells, small pebbles, feathers or glass gems around the hoop or in the center of catcher. Adult assistance required for hot glue gun.

Tie lengths of ribbon to the base of the dreamcatcher web/net. Be sure to use natural yarn textiles or jute if possible.

Be sure to add found items to your dreamcatcher over time. Be on the lookout for natural "treasures" during your next nature walk!

The creator of this guide has not included tools