How to get to your classes on time

Get to Your Classes on Time


Were you late to class today?

Were you late to class today?

This guide will help you never be late again!

This guide will help you never be late again!

Make sure that you have all of the supplies needed for the next few classes.

Make sure that you have all of the supplies needed for the next few classes.

Make sure to lock your locker.

Make sure to lock your locker.

Do not talk in the hallway.

Do not talk in the hallway.

Stay to the right side of the hallway.

Stay to the right side of the hallway.

Take two stairs at a time.

Take two stairs at a time.

Make sure to be on the right floor.

Make sure to be on the right floor.

Take tight corners.

Take tight corners.

Get your drink at lunch.

Get your drink at lunch.

Do your business at lunch.

Do your business at lunch.

No which classroom to go to.

No which classroom to go to.

Ask upperclassmen where to go.

Ask upperclassmen where to go.

If your drop your supplies quickly pick them up.

If your drop your supplies quickly pick them up.

If someone drops their books quickly help pick them up.

If someone drops their books quickly help pick them up.

Hold iPad in firm embrace

Hold iPad in firm embrace

Make sure backpack is zipped up.

Make sure backpack is zipped up.

Once you safely and promptly make it to class sit in your seat automatically and avoid eye contact and conversation with other classmates.

Once you safely and promptly make it to class sit in your seat automatically and avoid eye contact and conversation with other classmates.

If lateness is unavoidable make sure to get a pass!

If lateness is unavoidable make sure to get a pass!

Now you will never be late!

Now you will never be late!

Made by: Jack...

Made by: Jack...

And Keely.

And Keely.

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  • 1.0 School