How to get started in balloon modelling
This guide will show you the basic supplies that you need to get started with balloon twisting, teach you some of the basic twists and give you a couple of kid pleasing designs
The basics that you would need.
There are essentially 3 sizes of modelling balloons- 160, 260, and 350. Balloons are so named because 160 is approx 1" diameter and 60" long when fully inflated, the 260 2" diameter & 60" long, etc.
There are also lots of other shapes and sizes
This is a 5" balloon. The white 5" is under inflated, the purple fully inflated and the red one over inflated (and likely to pop). Fully inflated balloons should look like teardrops not lightbulbs
This is a 5" balloon and an 11" balloon
Most people don't know that latex balloons are biodegradable, but they are- decomposing at the rate of an oak leaf
To inflate the balloon, put it into the pump
And hold it while pumping. Make sure that balloon is straight on pump so air flow won't be restricted
And pump. When you are starting you should pop some balloons to get the feel for how much pressure the balloon can take
To tie, lay across your palm and bring nozzle of balloon between your middle and ring fingers (towards back of hand)
Wrap around middle and pointer fingers, making a cross cross on front of fingers
Tuck the nozzle up through the loop you've made and pull up on the nozzle while you take your fingers out.
Next lets look at some building blocks or typical bubble types. First of all, always start twisting on the nozzle side of the balloon so the air can move. This is a typical bubble twist
The bubble will not stay until it is locked to another part of the balloon. This is a typical loop twist
This is a string of bubbles. You must always maintain control of the first and last bubble or the whole string will unravel
This is a three bubble string, and the beginning of a pinch twist
To make the pinch twist, squeeze the two sides of the bubble together while you pull up and twist.
Like so. This is one of the most important twists. It's used to attach one balloon to another, to change the direction of a balloon, to stabilize and make angles
Another view. Sometimes it's called a bean twist or an ear twist
This is the basics of a "dog leg" twist- two bubbles the same size folded onto each other
And twisted together
If you then take the stick and pull it down to the other end of the bubble pair, and twist a bubble slightly smaller than the bubble pair....
And gently roll the bubble pair around the third bubble, then you will have a bird body twist or 3- bubble roll- through
Sometimes you will need to tie balloons in a circle. Just tie a double knot connecting one end of the balloon to the other
Like this
Then find the center, squeeze and rotate one side so that it looks like a pair of lips
And fold it over from the center and twist
And then tie one end to the other. Now you have a football twist or a banana twist
if you take a fully inflated balloon (let a bit of air out before tying to release some of the pressure- this is called burping the balloon)
Now spiral the balloon around itself
And twist the bubbles together to close it
Now take a fully inflated and burped 350 balloon
And put it through the spiral at the bottom of the twisted balloon
And twist off a bubble at the top to attach to the bubbles at the top of the spiral
And you have a giant sword
If you want make a heart balloon, tie the balloon in a circle
And bring the center of the balloon into itself and squeeze
Let all the air out of the center and then slowly let it back in. This will shape the balloon
And now you have a heart
Or you could just use the heart shaped balloon
If you take a bubble, and then a bird body
Followed by two little bubbles
And another bird body
And twist the bubbles at the bottom together
Then add it to the heart
And add some artwork, and you have lovebirds
To make a basic hat first twist a small bubble and a loop large enough to fit the head.
Now add a second balloon to the stick by twisting a small bubble at the base of the new balloon and attaching to the bubble at the base of the hat
And spiral them together, squeezing and twisting together at the top to connect them
Now take remaining balloon, make a small bubble and attach at the back of the hat
Like so
Put them on your favorite kid... And watch the fun begin!
Most balloon sculptures are made with the twists we've just learned, put together in various combinations :-) Copyright Balloon Utopia tm 2012.
- Qualatex 260 modelling balloons
- 5" round balloons
- Balloon pump
- Sharpie marker
- Scissors
Sandi Masori
Head designer and master balloon artist at Balloon Utopia. (CBA & member of the IBA and QBN). Sandi has been a balloon industry educator for over 15 years.
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