How to get rid of ants 🐜🐜🐜
It's that time of year again. I spotted an ant in the bathroom. In the past, we sprayed and exposed our family to carcinogens. This is our way to get rid of ants. *NOT safe for pets to eat!*
Gather supplies. You'll need equal parts of Borax and Sugar. Please be careful not to get the Borax in your Sugar supply.
I'm using a very small disposable container to mix it in.
Borax can be found in laundry center. We use this to also make our own detergent for clothes and dishes.
As you can see, it has many uses. But our use this time is for a poison to eat.
Take 1 teaspoon of Borax.
Dump into disposable container.
Using a totally different and clean spoon..
...get 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Dump into mix.
Easy right?
Mix well and will look like this. You want the ant to go for the sugar and pick up the Borax with it.
Grab a bottle top.. One that can be pitched.
Dump mix into cap.
Full it up.
Now go back to where you saw that ant. Place your cap with poison near it to find. Our first instinct is to kill the ants. But we want them to carry the poison back to the colony to kill them all..
Be sure to place a sign so family knows not to disturb: the poison or the ants! It's okay the ants can't read. 😄 It's tempting to clean where you place the poison. DO NOT, ants will be warned.
On the seventh day, if there are still ants.. Time to add protein bait. Ants like sweet and savory. Since it is beginning of the season, I'm not surprised to have to pull out second bait.
Gather supplies: Borax, Bacon Grease, spoons, plastic lid, foil to mix paste on.
This is leftover grease from cooking bacon. Ants love this stuff! I pour in coffee cup and keep in fridge covered in foil.
Need 1 teaspoon of bacon grease.
And separate spoon of Borax.
Dump together.
Mix well into a paste.
Put paste in plastic top. This is milk jug top.
Like so.
Now do the same thing..(nothing)..just watch it. Leave bait out as long as you see ants.
As you can see, (courtesy of Wikipedia), an ant colony is larger than the small ant hill we see on top of the ground. Tap on picture to see the entire colony.
Just some interesting facts on Ants.
About worker Ants, which are all females..the ones we see crawling around. ... we women complain about doing everything..female ants really do!
If you are like us, we have problems with ants until it turns cold again. Go outside and find the ant hills.
Ant hills in Ky are easy to spot when you know what you are looking for.
Set out bait by found ant hills (but away from your outdoor animals.) If we get crazy and pour boiling water in the hole, they will run out on you. Ants are kin to the wasp, they can sting!
Be've got them right where you want them! Enjoy!
- Borax
- Sugar
- Bacon grease
Lucy Hudnall
If you can't explain it to a 6 year old, you don't understand it yourself. -Albert Einstein
Commonwealth of Kentucky
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