How to get organized

Get Organized


Unclutter your work area. This can help you be less stressed because the area is less busy.

Unclutter your work area. This can help you be less stressed because the area is less busy.

Allow your area to be used for one project or assignment at a time. This can help you stay focused.

Allow your area to be used for one project or assignment at a time. This can help you stay focused.

Use a calendar to prioritize assignments and to track your due dates.

Use a calendar to prioritize assignments and to track your due dates.

Create a to do list to get your assignments in on time

Create a to do list to get your assignments in on time

Avoid distractions like your phone, computer, or Netflix.

Avoid distractions like your phone, computer, or Netflix.

Prioritize tasks each night by making a list or keeping track of them.

Prioritize tasks each night by making a list or keeping track of them.

Think about each paper when you throw them away to not keep old papers.

Think about each paper when you throw them away to not keep old papers.

Don't collect old assignments because they will clutter your work area.

Don't collect old assignments because they will clutter your work area.

Know when to say no to activities like shopping instead of studying for a big test.

Know when to say no to activities like shopping instead of studying for a big test.

Clear your work area each night to prepare for the next day.

The creator of this guide has not included tools