How to get motivated 👊✨ retrain that brain!!!

Get Motivated 👊✨ Retrain That Brain!!!


MAKE YOURSELF GO TO YOUR FAV SPACE Mine happens to be productive gardens 101, making, researching, etc...

MAKE YOURSELF GO TO YOUR FAV SPACE Mine happens to be productive gardens 101, making, researching, etc...

REST WHEN NEEDED, BUT KEEP YOUR MIND ACTIVE... I like drawing ideas, then picking them apart and refining them... NERD! Hehe

REST WHEN NEEDED, BUT KEEP YOUR MIND ACTIVE... I like drawing ideas, then picking them apart and refining them... NERD! Hehe

CONFIRM & AFFIRM YOUR AMBITIONS Use a count down calendar to your next event, use large sticky notes as "things to do" list

CONFIRM & AFFIRM YOUR AMBITIONS Use a count down calendar to your next event, use large sticky notes as "things to do" list

HAVE A SMALL TRIAL HANDY It's funny when you start something as silly as vacuuming!!! It can take over you, but thats a good thing! Lol

HAVE A SMALL TRIAL HANDY It's funny when you start something as silly as vacuuming!!! It can take over you, but thats a good thing! Lol

Always have memos handy to you!!! A notebook, a noticeboard, a sticky note, an old receipt & a pencil!!!

Always have memos handy to you!!! A notebook, a noticeboard, a sticky note, an old receipt & a pencil!!!

Later before sleep, let down your hair... Enjoy what you have achieved!!!

  • Ideas
  • Comfy blanket
  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Large lined LG STICKY NOTES
  • Contrasting permanent marker
  • Relax space
  • Thoughts!!!