How to get healthy and soft skin

Get Healthy and Soft Skin


First put of the foaming cream. It's basically soap that gets rid of dirty and oily skin. Rinse off with water.

First put of the foaming cream. It's basically soap that gets rid of dirty and oily skin. Rinse off with water.

Get about one drop of the dramatically different moisturizing gel. This helps make your skin a LOT softer.

Get about one drop of the dramatically different moisturizing gel. This helps make your skin a LOT softer.

The soap.

The soap.

Clarifying lotion

Clarifying lotion

The gel

The gel

This is optional, but you can also add this acne spot treatment cream. It helps get rid of pimples. Put it on before going to sleep and in the morning your pimples will be gone.

Using all these materials isn't really makeup, so for people who aren't allowed to wear makeup, all it is is a skin treatment.

Apply 2 times a day, morning and night, to get best results.

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