How to get fair skin

Get Fair Skin


First gather up all of your ingredients.

First get a bowl

First get a bowl

Now pour one cup of milk to the bowl.

Now pour one cup of milk to the bowl.

Now cut a fresh lemon and squeeze it. ( into your bowl of milk)

Now cut a fresh lemon and squeeze it. ( into your bowl of milk)

Add one tblsp of honey

Add one tblsp of honey

Mix all of your ingredients together with a fork.

Be sure to take out your lemon seeds.

Now take your already squeezed lemon, and turn it inside out. Kind of like

This.... (P.S those aren't my hands.)

This.... (P.S those aren't my hands.)

Dip the inside of your lemon into your bowl, and rub it onto your face in circular motion.

You can rub the lemon anywhere on your body, it also helps to get rid of tan, and gives you soft fair skin.

You'll get soft supple fair and glowing skin. You may not get your expected results in a day. You need to do this once in every 2 days.

You'll get soft supple fair and glowing skin. You may not get your expected results in a day. You need to do this once in every 2 days.

This is my first guide. I hope you like it! 😊

  • 1.0c Milk
  • 1.0 Lemon
  • 1.0 Bowl
  • 1.0tsp Honey