How to get emojis on apple electronics

Get Emojis on Apple Electronics


1.) Go, and click on "Settings"

Their is a picture of the "General File/Tab" 📱💻✉️

2.) Now go to click on where it says "General"

3.) Once you've clicked on "General", then scroll down 'till you see where it says "Keyboard", click on that ( "Keyboard" )

4.) Scroll down a little bit, and click on "Keyboards"... again

5.) Click on where it says" Add new keyboard"

6.) Now scroll 'till you see "Emojis" and click on that, ( "Emojis" )

7.) Now, when you go to type(with your keyboard), a little world-looking button will pop-up on the bottom left. If you click in the world-shaped button then all type of emojis will pop up

Facts~ • When you click on the world-shaped button, then on the very bottom ... all these different buttons will pop up, if you click on them their will be all different types of emojis

Facts, continued ~ • To resume back to the regular keyboard, click on the world-shaped button again

Here is what it looks like when you go to hit "Add a new keyboard"

Here is what it looks like when you go to hit "Add a new keyboard"

  • Iphone(s) 4th version + up
  • ipads~ mini, and regular type
  • ipods~ 4th version + up