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How to get 3 cool stuff free in goblin sword

Get 3 Cool Stuff FREE in Goblin Sword


So first open Gobin Sword

So first open Gobin Sword

Tap Options

Tap Options

Then Credits

Then Credits

Then tap on the question mark button

Then tap on the question mark button

Then you will see this, so tap on the chests a certain order of times to type in the pass codes right now I will show you 3:

Then you will see this, so tap on the chests a certain order of times to type in the pass codes right now I will show you 3:

This one will give you an extra FREE heart

This one will give you an extra FREE heart

This one will have you unlock ALL chapters

This one will have you unlock ALL chapters

And as you can see this one will give you 2000 gems

And as you can see this one will give you 2000 gems

So yeah that is how to get 3 awesome FREE stuff with absolutely no cost whatsoever

  • Goblin Sword (app)