How to form the conditional in french

Its not fun but its life...


To start with, the conditional is like a parasite, it feeds off other things in order to survive...

To start with, the conditional is like a parasite, it feeds off other things in order to survive...

The things it feeds off however are not animals as such, but they are the future and the imperfect tenses...

But they are boring...

But they are boring...

If you know the future and imperfect, no problem, if you dont......keep reading The conditional takes the future stem and the imperfect endings.

Learn these and you will be fine...      (If you still dont understand, BUY A TEXT BOOK, or keep reading)

Learn these and you will be fine... (If you still dont understand, BUY A TEXT BOOK, or keep reading)

THE ENDINGS ARE: Ais---Ais---Ait---Ions---Iez---Aient

THE STEMS ARE: Just the infitives........its that easy E.G. Regarder----> je regarderais (I watch)

Now if you still dont understand, i think you never will...

Now if you still dont understand, i think you never will...

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