How to fold a tank top

Make a nice, neat little shirt-square


Lay out your tank top on your floor, bed, sofa, counter.....

Lay out your tank top on your floor, bed, sofa, counter.....

Pitch the arm pit, lol and pick up from there, this will fold the top/straps down

Pitch the arm pit, lol and pick up from there, this will fold the top/straps down

It will look like this folded (this is laid sideways in front of me and the next step grab your two bottom corners and fold up)

It will look like this folded (this is laid sideways in front of me and the next step grab your two bottom corners and fold up)

Folded up, down the middle, hot dog.

Folded up, down the middle, hot dog.

Grabbing the end the straps are hiding in, fold I'm half upward

Grabbing the end the straps are hiding in, fold I'm half upward

This will make a nice little square or rectangle. This will work on pretty much any top (:

  • Tank top, muscle shirt
  • Cami, spaghetti strap