How to fix weather app glitch on ios 6

This guide will fix the glitch that changes the hourly temperatures to Celsius when the Weather app is switched back to Fahrenheit.


This glitch occurs when you switch the app's temperature unit from F° to C° on the Weather app, using iOS 6. This is a real pain for me, because I don't use Celsius.

So, I pressed hourly, and as you can see, it glitched on me. Yes, I did switch it back to F°.

To remedy this, press the little "i" in the bottom right corner of the previous screen, then delete the city that has the glitch. No, this is not a glitch, just photo editing.

To remedy this, press the little "i" in the bottom right corner of the previous screen, then delete the city that has the glitch. No, this is not a glitch, just photo editing.

Now, add the deleted city back to the list.

Now, add the deleted city back to the list.

Everything is back in F\u00b0 measurements. Thank goodness. In case you were wondering how I got the degrees sign, just hold down the number 0, until the option for \u00b0 appears.

Everything is back in F° measurements. Thank goodness. In case you were wondering how I got the degrees sign, just hold down the number 0, until the option for ° appears.

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