How to fix a fuzzy (minky) jacket

You washed your super soft minky fleece jacket. To your horror, it is now completely clumpy... Here's how to fix it!


GASP! This is what your super soft jacket looks like when you pulled it out of the washing machine.

GASP! This is what your super soft jacket looks like when you pulled it out of the washing machine.

Find one of these. The tighter spaced bristles, the better. DO NOT use a metal bristled brush. Stiff plastic works the best- less damage to the fabric

Find one of these. The tighter spaced bristles, the better. DO NOT use a metal bristled brush. Stiff plastic works the best- less damage to the fabric

For best results, make sure your jacket is damp. I find a spray bottle useful. Take the brush and gently (but firmly) brush in all directions. To do it well, a whole jacket should take about an hour.

For best results, make sure your jacket is damp. I find a spray bottle useful. Take the brush and gently (but firmly) brush in all directions. To do it well, a whole jacket should take about an hour.

This is what mine looks like after about 40min. Not back to new, but certainly WAY better than washer and dryer clumps! (Instructions provided by my dad, who worked for Columbia and Mountain Hardware)

This is what mine looks like after about 40min. Not back to new, but certainly WAY better than washer and dryer clumps! (Instructions provided by my dad, who worked for Columbia and Mountain Hardware)

  • Clumped jacket
  • Fine bristled brush
  • Spray bottle of water