How to fit your whole photo on instagram with no cropping

How to upload a whole entire portrait or landscape photo to Instagram without being cropped using the app "Easy Square"


Open the Easysquare iPhone app (currently $0.99; it's free from ads!!) & select a picture from photo library or take from camera.

Open the Easysquare iPhone app (currently $0.99; it's free from ads!!) & select a picture from photo library or take from camera.

Let's select Cookie Monster from our library.

Let's select Cookie Monster from our library.

Boom! The app takes care of all the resizing work for you! Be sure to leave the background to the default (white) if you want it to blend into the background on Instagram. Press the Instagram button.

Boom! The app takes care of all the resizing work for you! Be sure to leave the background to the default (white) if you want it to blend into the background on Instagram. Press the Instagram button.

Tap to confirm sending to Instagram app

Tap to confirm sending to Instagram app

Leave the filter on Normal or else the white background may be tinted another colour (unless you specifically want that)

Leave the filter on Normal or else the white background may be tinted another colour (unless you specifically want that)

Voila, that's all you need to do! Your full photo is now on Instagram for all your friends and followers to see!

The creator of this guide has not included tools