How to 🔥fire🔥saftey🔥



\ud83d\udd25Your I will tell u all about fire safety. \ud83d\udd25

🔥Your I will tell u all about fire safety. 🔥

Fit a smoke alarm. This is the simplest step and they are cheap and life savers.

Fit a smoke alarm. This is the simplest step and they are cheap and life savers.

Keep all dangers equipment in clearly marked boxes to prevent children from using them. Also keep them away from children.

Keep all dangers equipment in clearly marked boxes to prevent children from using them. Also keep them away from children.

Check all plug sockets to make sure they don't overflow which will cause them to over heat making a fire start.

Check all plug sockets to make sure they don't overflow which will cause them to over heat making a fire start.

Always have a fire escape plan ready just incase of an emergency. Also make sure your family knows it to.

Always have a fire escape plan ready just incase of an emergency. Also make sure your family knows it to.

If you live in a flat don't be afraid to look around the building to plan escape roots. Also ask about the building procedures.

If you live in a flat don't be afraid to look around the building to plan escape roots. Also ask about the building procedures.

Check your chimney.  More and more chimney fires and happening and it is because people have wood fires but don't sweep out there chimney first.

Check your chimney. More and more chimney fires and happening and it is because people have wood fires but don't sweep out there chimney first.

Around 50 people a year die from carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens from burning fossil fuels.

Around 50 people a year die from carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens from burning fossil fuels.

Invest in some fire equipment.  Fires can break out at any moment so don't waste time and buy something like a fire blanket.

Invest in some fire equipment. Fires can break out at any moment so don't waste time and buy something like a fire blanket.



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