How to find words in a word search easily

Find Words in a Word Search Easily


Grab your writing utensil and word search puzzle

The words i'm searching for:

The words i'm searching for:

The puzzle part:

The puzzle part:

The word i'm looking for: "Upside-Down"

The word i'm looking for: "Upside-Down"

Find ALL of the letters in the puzzle that are the FIRST LETTER in the word you're looking for. For example: I circled all of the "U"s in "Upside-Down"

Find ALL of the letters in the puzzle that are the FIRST LETTER in the word you're looking for. For example: I circled all of the "U"s in "Upside-Down"

THEN, look at the letters that are surrounding the letter that you circled. Draw a box around them if it helps you ;D

THEN, look at the letters that are surrounding the letter that you circled. Draw a box around them if it helps you ;D

Now look at the letters in the box that you drew; does any of them match the second letter in your word? If so, then circle that letter too, if not, then cross out the letters inside the box.

Like this..........

Like this..........

Now repeat Step 7 for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and so on, letters in your word.

It should look like this when you finally find your word ;D

It should look like this when you finally find your word ;D

And keep on going through these steps for all of your word search words.

Finished........! Like, and comment how this worked out for you.....!! ;D

  • 1.0 Word Search Puzzle
  • 1.0 Pencil, Pen, or Highlighter