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How to find susses in life

Find Susses in Life


I will work hard.

I will understand science at a greater level.

I will look for common elements in friends.

That was when i first got my dog .

That was when i first got my dog .

this is a game that i play it's called war thunder and you can have dog fights with cool  WW2 air planes

this is a game that i play it's called war thunder and you can have dog fights with cool WW2 air planes

This is when i first got me get go.

This is when i first got me get go. War thunder Video

Me playing warthunder

Me playing warthunder

one more picture of war thunder

one more picture of war thunder Drone Video

I was napping with jack jack

I was napping with jack jack

Older Get go mouth bigger

Older Get go mouth bigger

Me and my family on my 12th birth day

Me and my family on my 12th birth day

Me and step sister on the space needle in Seattle

Me and step sister on the space needle in Seattle

Me with my real mom when i was little,

Me with my real mom when i was little,

An achievement of some thing planed or an accomplishment of a vision/dream

Quotes "If you can't fly, than run, if you can't run, than walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but what ever you do just keep moving " - M.L.K jr

Quotes "Try not to be a man of success but a man of value" - Albert Einstine Song Shoot to thrill AC/DC

This was my guide to success now find your own.

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