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How to find success

Find Success


Friends help support you and lead you to achieving your goals and success.

Friends help support you and lead you to achieving your goals and success.

Pets help you find success by giving you a sense of comfort and help you relax a little

Pets help you find success by giving you a sense of comfort and help you relax a little

"Real artists get shelved and wack one's get famous to leave masses brainless but remember a smart mind is dangerous"- Hopsin (Marcus Hopson)

"Real artists get shelved and wack one's get famous to leave masses brainless but remember a smart mind is dangerous"- Hopsin (Marcus Hopson)

"there are so many irrational beliefs, shameless contradictions and illogical restrictions, things that were designed to keep us in line and prevent us from reaching our full potential." - Gramatik

"there are so many irrational beliefs, shameless contradictions and illogical restrictions, things that were designed to keep us in line and prevent us from reaching our full potential." - Gramatik

Skating gives me a place to think, relax, and take my mind off things

Skating gives me a place to think, relax, and take my mind off things

Open ended goal's 1.) Trust more people/ give more people chances. 2.) Accept failure and rejection but not until it's clear. 3.) Put more pride Into my work.

A song that inspires me to succeed

Music helps inspire me, lift my mood, gives me something to  connect to, and guide my perspective of success

Music helps inspire me, lift my mood, gives me something to connect to, and guide my perspective of success

Although family can get annoying it's good to know that they will always be there for support and something to lean on

Success to me isn't having money or having everything, it's a state of mind that brings happiness and pride to not only you but to the loved ones around you as well.

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