How to find a word in the dictionary

Find a Word in the Dictionary


First grab a dictionary.

First grab a dictionary.

Then open it up.

Then open it up.

After, look for the first letter of your word on the top left or right side of the page.

After, look for the first letter of your word on the top left or right side of the page.

If you can't even find your word if you already looked through with two words, look for the third word.

If you can't even find your word if you already looked through with two words, look for the third word.

Look for your third word in the same letter slot but in alphabetical order. I found my word and it was postal code.

Look for your third word in the same letter slot but in alphabetical order. I found my word and it was postal code.

If you still can't find your word, you just look for the fourth letter of your word and repeat the process that I told you before.

If you still can't find your word, you just look for the fourth letter of your word and repeat the process that I told you before.

If you need to know how to find a word in the dictionary, you just come to this snap guide right away.

  • A dictionary
  • A pointer( not necessary)