How to find a prom dress

Find a Prom Dress


Get asked to prom in a cute way.

Get asked to prom in a cute way.

Have awesome friends dedicated to finding you a dress.

Have awesome friends dedicated to finding you a dress.

Take a road trip to a giant dress store with hundreds of dresses.

Take a road trip to a giant dress store with hundreds of dresses.

Find a style you like.

Find a style you like.

Find a color you like.

Find a color you like.

Combine the two and you have the perfect dress!

Combine the two and you have the perfect dress!

Purchase dress and take celebratory trip to Chipotle!

Purchase dress and take celebratory trip to Chipotle!

  • 1.0 Budget
  • 1.0 Girl in need
  • 1.0 Form of transportation