How to fill in eyebrows so they look naturally full

Fill in Eyebrows So They Look Naturally Full


Illamasqua eyebrow cake my colour or for brunettes is thunder

Illamasqua eyebrow cake my colour or for brunettes is thunder

Illamaqua eyebrow brush! Best eyebrow brush in the world!

Illamaqua eyebrow brush! Best eyebrow brush in the world!

Take some onto the eyebrow brush

Take some onto the eyebrow brush

Start at the arch of your eyebrow

Start at the arch of your eyebrow

Trace two lines on at the top of your brows and one underneath then fill in the gap

Trace two lines on at the top of your brows and one underneath then fill in the gap

Like so

Like so

Take the colour out to form your shape

Take the colour out to form your shape

Measure the inner part of your brows to determine this hold brush against nose that's your guideline

Measure the inner part of your brows to determine this hold brush against nose that's your guideline

Complete! Plus eyeliner and hair down check next snap seed for how to do eyeliner x

Complete! Plus eyeliner and hair down check next snap seed for how to do eyeliner x

  • Illamasqua eyebrow cake -visit website for colours
  • Illamasqua eyebrow brush