How to extract strawberry dna

Extract Strawberry DNA


Gather materials

Gather materials

Measure your water

Measure your water

Add your dish soap

Add your dish soap



Add salt and stir

Add salt and stir

Put the strawberry in the bag

Put the strawberry in the bag

Add the solution we just made

Add the solution we just made

Until all that remains are seeds and pulp

Until all that remains are seeds and pulp

Put the filter in the cup

Put the filter in the cup

And strain the liquid into the cup

And strain the liquid into the cup

Sorry for the previous step. DO NOT LET THE FILTER SINK TI THE BOTTOM!!! Hold it at the top.

Should look like this, like juice.

Should look like this, like juice.

Put it into the glass beaker

Put it into the glass beaker

Measure the isopropyl

Measure the isopropyl

And add it to the beaker

And add it to the beaker

You should see two layers. The white stuff on top is pure DNA!!!

You should see two layers. The white stuff on top is pure DNA!!!

Use a popsicle stick to GENTLY remove the DNA. Cool, right?!?

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  • 90.0ml Water
  • 10.0ml Dish soap
  • 1.2g Salt
  • 5.0g Chilled isopropyl alcohol
  • 1.0 Plastic cup
  • 1.0 Coffee filter
  • 1.0 Ziploc bag
  • 1.0 Strawberry
  • 1.0 Glass beaker