How to explain the earth, sun and moon by ejs

Explain the Earth, Sun and Moon by EJS


Here is the Moon's rotation around the Earth and the different phases of the moon. The thing that causes the different phases is the sun light reflecting on the moon.

Here is the Moon's rotation around the Earth and the different phases of the moon. The thing that causes the different phases is the sun light reflecting on the moon.

Here are  the measurements of the waves over a month's  time.The highest tides happen when there is a full moon and you can predict these by watching the moon and waiting for the full moon.

Here are the measurements of the waves over a month's time.The highest tides happen when there is a full moon and you can predict these by watching the moon and waiting for the full moon.

Here are all the tides over the last month. The top measurement is Galveston Bays's tides and the bottom one is Bar Harbor's tides.

Here are all the tides over the last month. The top measurement is Galveston Bays's tides and the bottom one is Bar Harbor's tides.

The number is the amount of rays that hit the Earth in that place. The amount of rays hitting the Earth changes as the Earth rotates around the Sun  and the Earth spins around it's axis at a angle.

The number is the amount of rays that hit the Earth in that place. The amount of rays hitting the Earth changes as the Earth rotates around the Sun and the Earth spins around it's axis at a angle.

We did a experiment where we measured our shadows. Here we are marking and measuring our shadows.

We did a experiment where we measured our shadows. Here we are marking and measuring our shadows.

We did an experiment were we studied the sun's light on the earth and here are pictures of the experiment.

We did an experiment were we studied the sun's light on the earth and here are pictures of the experiment.

The thing that happens to your shadow during the day is it will grow and shrink as the Earth rotates and the Sun moves to a different spot we see.

The thing that happens to your shadow during the day is it will grow and shrink as the Earth rotates and the Sun moves to a different spot we see.

The amount of rays hitting the Earth changes as the Earth rotates around the Sun  and the Earth spins around it's axis at a angle.

The amount of rays hitting the Earth changes as the Earth rotates around the Sun and the Earth spins around it's axis at a angle.

The thing that causes the seasons is the axis and it's tilt because the side that is facing the Earth is day and the hemisphere with the most direct Sun light is Summer and the opposite.

  • 1.0 Earth
  • 1.0 Moon
  • 1.0 Sun
  • 1.0 Brain