How to evaluate a reading selection

Evaluate a Reading Selection


Find where support of the thesis seems logical. Which of the author's facts, arguments, and examples seem convincing/ which do not?

Find where support of the thesis seems logical. Which of the author's facts, arguments, and examples seem convincing/ which do not?

Where are there any unnecessary digressions or detours?

Where are there any unnecessary digressions or detours?

To make the selection smooth, are there any parts of the essay abrupt or jarring?

To make the selection smooth, are there any parts of the essay abrupt or jarring?

The word choice and tone contributes to the selections overall effect. where does the writer use figures of speech well?

Do the visuals fit the story, and are they explained. Are they relevant to the story.

Be sure to explore the selection. What new ideas have you found. What new perspective did you find.

Be sure to explore the selection. What new ideas have you found. What new perspective did you find.

All information from this source.

All information from this source.

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