How to erase your mistakes (oil or acrylic)

Erase Your Mistakes (Oil or Acrylic)


If you're ever painting and mess up, don't worry. It can be fixed.

If the background is still wet, just paint over it. But what if the background is dry and you don't want to remix your colors, and all that other hassle???

Just dip your brush in paint thinner if you're painting in oils or water if in acrylics. Dry the brush.

Just dip your brush in paint thinner if you're painting in oils or water if in acrylics. Dry the brush.

My mistake..

My mistake..

Tip: try to get as much liquid out of your brush. It might run!

  • Small brush
  • Paint thinner (in oils)
  • Water (in acrylics)
  • Towel