How to entertain yourself on an ipad

Entertain Yourself on an iPad


Hello all! I'm really bored right now so I'm gonna show you how to not be bored like me!

You can find a forum to be on. I suggest Pokeboard Pokemon forum if you're a Pokemon fan. Try and find one for your interests!

You can find a forum to be on. I suggest Pokeboard Pokemon forum if you're a Pokemon fan. Try and find one for your interests!

You can also make a guide on Snapguide, which is what I'm doing.

You can also make a guide on Snapguide, which is what I'm doing.

Spam emoticons on the emoji keyboard in notes then use VoiceOver to make it say what it says (WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS STEP AT SCHOOL!)

Spam emoticons on the emoji keyboard in notes then use VoiceOver to make it say what it says (WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS STEP AT SCHOOL!)

Take a picture of your iPad'/s screen in the mirror, creating a never ending loop.

And there you go! You should now be unbored, even though I'm not.

  • 1.0 iPad
  • Safari or web browser
  • 999.0 Whatever else you want on iPad