How to easy diy diaper box puppet theatre!
Create a simple and fun DIY puppet theatre from a diaper box!
Open bottom of diaper box. Tape flaps on corners to hold it open (shown here). Open end will be the bottom of puppet theatre.
Cut a square hole with box cutter or serrated knife in the front.
Cover box with construction paper or paint. You can stop here & let the kids play TV! This is super fun!
Cut off a flap in the back so the kids can reach their puppets in while box is sitting on a table.
Get some old wash cloths for curtains. I used old painters rags & we colored them with markers.
Twist two pipe cleaners together to make one long curtain rod. Fold wash cloths over about an inch & staple the hem closed over the pipe cleaner curtain rod.
Poke two holes on top/side of box to weave pipe cleaner curtain rod through. Tie off pipe cleaners inside box.
DONE! Now curtain can open & close!
Let the kids go crazy doing a puppet show! Use sock puppets or little stuffed animals!
For a fun effect, shut off all the lights & use a flashlight to spotlight their show!
- 1.0 Diaper box
- Construction paper or paint
- 2.0 Pipe cleaners
- 2.0 Wash cloths
- Staples
- Tape
- Box cutter or serrated knife
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