How to dye your hair with lemons

Dye Your Hair With Lemons


Cut your lemon.

Cut your lemon.

First we'll do bangs. Pull the rest if your hair out of the way using a pony tail holder.

First we'll do bangs. Pull the rest if your hair out of the way using a pony tail holder.

Separate you bangs. Pin what you don't what colored out of the way

Separate you bangs. Pin what you don't what colored out of the way

Now we we'll do other parts of your hair. This is where the pony tail holders are useful

Take the section you want to dye and  put the pony tail holder at the top.

Take the section you want to dye and put the pony tail holder at the top.

Now for the tips! Put your pony tail holder at the length you want your tips dyed.

Now for the tips! Put your pony tail holder at the length you want your tips dyed.

First get the back.

First get the back.

Then front

Then front

Now sit in the sun

Now sit in the sun

You may need sunglasses, earbuds, and a charger.

You may need sunglasses, earbuds, and a charger.

Your gonna need to be out here for 30 minutes to an hour. So take some random pictures

Your gonna need to be out here for 30 minutes to an hour. So take some random pictures

But if your cool like me you'll listen to One Direction

But if your cool like me you'll listen to One Direction

And dance around

And dance around

Wow! Look at that tree!!!

Wow! Look at that tree!!!

See that? That's the sun. Make sure your facing it. Unless its solar noon (sun is directly above head). Then sorry your gonna have to lay on your back. That's unfortunate

See that? That's the sun. Make sure your facing it. Unless its solar noon (sun is directly above head). Then sorry your gonna have to lay on your back. That's unfortunate

You may get bored but think of the benefits. You get nice hair AND a tan.

You may get bored but think of the benefits. You get nice hair AND a tan.

***Note*** This should only be done on blonde or light brown hair. Otherwise your hair may turn orange (no joke). I am not responsible for orange or red hair. Sorry that's your problem.

***Also note*** Notice I am not wearing makeup. If the lemon juice gets on your face it will take your make up off so better to do it afterwards

*please note* Wear old clothes. Lemon can and will bleach your clothing.

The result

  • 1.0 Lemon
  • Pony tail holders
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Comb (optional)
  • A sunny day!