How to dye your hair

Dye Your Hair


Gather your supplies and put on gloves.

Gather your supplies and put on gloves.

Take the dye and mix it with the developer in a bowl.

Take the dye and mix it with the developer in a bowl.

Section hair off into a top and bottom section.Take top section and clip it.

Section hair off into a top and bottom section.Take top section and clip it.

Section your bottom layer into two parts and clip.

Section your bottom layer into two parts and clip.

Grab your tint brush and dip it in the mixture you created.

Grab your tint brush and dip it in the mixture you created.

Take the tint brush and go from root to tip. Make sure to add more dye to the roots.

Take the tint brush and go from root to tip. Make sure to add more dye to the roots.

When the bottom section is completed take down the top section and repeat what you just did.

When the bottom section is completed take down the top section and repeat what you just did.

Read the hair dye box and let your hair sit for the recommended time.

Read the hair dye box and let your hair sit for the recommended time.

Shampoo and condition your hair then let dry.

Shampoo and condition your hair then let dry.

Optional :If you do not have hair clips you can use hair ties.

Optional Continued: If you do not want the dye to get on your floor you can lay down old towels. If you do not want to wait for your hair to air dry you can blow dry it.

  • Hair dye
  • Developer
  • Tint brush
  • Bowl (one you do not mind getting dirty)
  • Clips
  • Shampoo and Conditioner
  • Disposable gloves