How to dress up your decor

Dress Up Your Decor


Rule up and sketch on your lettering. The texture on the cushions I chose was rough and was quite difficult to paint and draw on. So I would recommend only selecting smooth material for this project.

Rule up and sketch on your lettering. The texture on the cushions I chose was rough and was quite difficult to paint and draw on. So I would recommend only selecting smooth material for this project.

I then went in with a fine tip paint brush and Pebeo's Setscolor fabric paint pots.

I then went in with a fine tip paint brush and Pebeo's Setscolor fabric paint pots.

It was quite slow going because of the texture of the material.

It was quite slow going because of the texture of the material.

But it was worth it, I was really happy with the results.

But it was worth it, I was really happy with the results.

Looks so cool in my living room!

So I decided I need to do another. This quote is fro Rob Bell.

So I decided I need to do another. This quote is fro Rob Bell.

This time I decided to show you Pebeo's SetaSkrib fabric Markers

This time I decided to show you Pebeo's SetaSkrib fabric Markers

It looks great also but again the texture made it very slow going. So I definitely recommend smooth fabric to paint or draw on.

It looks great also but again the texture made it very slow going. So I definitely recommend smooth fabric to paint or draw on.

I love that I have two quotes I really like displayed in my lounge, and how cool do they look!

I love that I have two quotes I really like displayed in my lounge, and how cool do they look!

  • Pebeo setacolor
  • Pebeo setaskrib markers
  • Cushion covers
  • Favourite verses
  • Favourite fonts to copy