7 Steps
Start with a really messy sketch. This is the skeleton. Please stay to see that it DOES inprove greatly throughout! Good luck!
Start deciding where you want things. This is where you add the foundamentals.
Now add some details. Approximate a few details like eyes, some major feathers, etc. don't get highly technical in this stage.
Start defining feathers. Fix some messed up lines if need be.
Add some shading and start cleaning it up. Keep light consistent. One light source only.
Soften and shade more. Clean up all the sloppy lines. Should be getting close now.
Add finishing shading and touch things up. I shaded in the eye last so I didn't overwork it I. The previous steps. Add a fancy oval if you want, or turn it into the pin. (circle) Youre done sketching
- 1.0 Pencil
- Paper
- Eraser
- Pen optional
- Coloring medium
A K9
Art is my thing. Visit me online at thunderxd.deviantart.com or at instagram rainbowak9. Thanks!
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