How to draw mickey mouse

Draw Mickey Mouse


Draw a heart but without the bottom. Sorry, there are some eraser marks.

Draw a heart but without the bottom. Sorry, there are some eraser marks.

Now draw nice chubby cheeks with a lip to make room for a mouth.

Now draw nice chubby cheeks with a lip to make room for a mouth.

Now you can draw a smile with smile dimples and a mouth.

Now you can draw a smile with smile dimples and a mouth.

Add a tongue by drawing a half circle on one side and completing the tongue on the other.

Add a tongue by drawing a half circle on one side and completing the tongue on the other.

Now draw a nose.

Now draw a nose.

These eyes are kind of hard to describe, so try to as best as you can to looking like this.

These eyes are kind of hard to describe, so try to as best as you can to looking like this.

Draw pupils.

Draw pupils.

Draw a half domish thing around your soon to be Mickey Mouse's head.

Draw a half domish thing around your soon to be Mickey Mouse's head.

Nice big ears around the head.

Nice big ears around the head.

Shading time!

Shade ears

Shade ears

Outside part of head

Outside part of head

Pupils, nose, and area above tongue

Now you are done!!! Thanks and have a nice day😄😄

  • Paper
  • Pen/Pencil