How to draw impossible shapes
These things are easy to draw, but look harder than ever! Impress your friends with your awesome new found drawings skills!
This guide is an extention on Maria Haiducu's guide 'How To Draw An Impossible Triangle'. I will be showing you how to draw any shape like that.
Grab a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. Pencils work best because you can erase any mistakes, but if youre cool enough to have an erasable pen (like yours truly) then you can go ahead and use that.
You can pretty much use any shape, but I'll just show you the square, 5 point star, and and eye shape one.
THE IMPOSSIBLE SQUARE Start by drawing a square. Here's my fabulously drawn one.
Then extend the sides just a little like so ^
Now off those lines draw more lines following the previous square you drew. See?
Next make little points off the ends of the lines you just drew.
Connect the tip of the lines you just made to the corners accross.
Ta Da! You're done! That wasn't so impossible now was it?
THE IMPOSSIBLE 5 POINT STAR Start by drawing a star. Ain't he a cutie?
Extend the sides like with the square.
Once again off those little extentions you follow the outside of the star.
Make the points.
And connect.
Shade it a little and you're done! Gold stars for everyone!
Now for the eye/leaf shape. Draw the shape.
And again you extend the lines a little.
Again you follow the original shape.
And make the points.
Then connect.
And shade.
Here's a crazy shape that I drew using the exact same method I showed for the other shapes.
Be creative! Almost any shape will work. Have fun!
- Paper
- 1.0 Pencil or Pen