How to draw homer simpson

Draw Homer Simpson


Woohoo, my first guide in a while. Raking through my old drawings I found my family guy and Simpsons drawings, so while I re-teach myself to draw them again, i thought that I could teach you guys too!

If your using sharpie's like me, it's best to lean on something like a newspaper, so the ink doesn't ruin your surface

If your using sharpie's like me, it's best to lean on something like a newspaper, so the ink doesn't ruin your surface

Draw a circle for his dome-shaped head

Draw a circle for his dome-shaped head

Project down two lines, notice my markings

Project down two lines, notice my markings

Add in his ear and eyebrow

Add in his ear and eyebrow

I done his hair because his head seemed empty without it

I done his hair because his head seemed empty without it

Add the first eye

Add the first eye

Draw his nose, begin his beard and outline the fact that one eye overlaps the other

Draw his nose, begin his beard and outline the fact that one eye overlaps the other

Continue beard and neck

Continue beard and neck

Add his mouth in, remember that the top lip sticks out a lot more

Add his mouth in, remember that the top lip sticks out a lot more

The body is pretty simple

The body is pretty simple

Outline him

Outline him

DOH! I used too dark a brown -_- anyways it looks like chocolate... Mmmmm chocolate... *drools*

My old drawing I used as a source

My old drawing I used as a source

Thanks for checking my guide, follow I you want and an honest like gets my guide more viewers. I plan on doing maggie next! Bye

  • Felt tip Pens
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Rubber (possibly 😁)