How to draw elsa

Draw Elsa


Draw a head, neck, and lines for the arms and body. Draw the head a little bigger than the face because of the hair that will be added later. USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Draw a head, neck, and lines for the arms and body. Draw the head a little bigger than the face because of the hair that will be added later. USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Add more of the body and dress. USE THE DULL PENCIL STILL.

Add more of the body and dress. USE THE DULL PENCIL STILL.

Draw the face shape. Make sure it is proportionate to the body. USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Draw the face shape. Make sure it is proportionate to the body. USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Start adding major details that are more accurate. DON'T start shading or adding little details yet. STILL USE DULL PENCIL.

Start adding major details that are more accurate. DON'T start shading or adding little details yet. STILL USE DULL PENCIL.

Draw hands. They are the same on both. USE DULL PENCIL, YO.

Draw hands. They are the same on both. USE DULL PENCIL, YO.

Start adding a couple more details to the dress. USING THE DULL PENCIL.

Start adding a couple more details to the dress. USING THE DULL PENCIL.

Add in the cape, which is basically two lines for the time being. AND YOU GUESSED IT, USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Add in the cape, which is basically two lines for the time being. AND YOU GUESSED IT, USE THE DULL PENCIL.

Now we're adding in the basic hair and erasing the part of the dress that the hair goes over. This is why we used the dull pencil. AND WHY WE'RE STILL USING IT.

Now we're adding in the basic hair and erasing the part of the dress that the hair goes over. This is why we used the dull pencil. AND WHY WE'RE STILL USING IT.

Aye, let's add in part of a face. DULL PENCIL.

Aye, let's add in part of a face. DULL PENCIL.

Let's add some details and try not to mess the eyes up as bad as I did. DULL PENCIL.

Let's add some details and try not to mess the eyes up as bad as I did. DULL PENCIL.

Finally start darkening lines with the SHARP PENCIL. Yeah, son.

Finally start darkening lines with the SHARP PENCIL. Yeah, son.

Clean up the drawing by erasing lines and darkening them.

Clean up the drawing by erasing lines and darkening them.

Ain't nobody got time for an entire lesson on shading, so run free and do your own thing on it. This is how I shaded my drawing, as an example. Maybe I'll do another lesson on shading.

  • 1.0 Light or dull Pencil
  • 1.0 Sharp pencil
  • 1.0 Eraser
  • 1.0 Or more pieces of paper
  • (Optional) colored pencils/markers