How to draw cute food

Draw Cute Food


Today we'll be drawing kawaii cupcakes, donuts, strawberry cake, watermelon, muffins, and bacon!

It's Cupcake Time! It's- oh wait isn't it muffin?

Make your cupcake liner! Feel free to make it have patterns on it~

Make your cupcake liner! Feel free to make it have patterns on it~

The cupcake mixture is rising...

The cupcake mixture is rising...

Icing time!

Icing time!

Feel free to make it uneven :D

Feel free to make it uneven :D

Up up up we go!

Up up up we go!

To the top!

To the top!

Make a kawaii face

Make a kawaii face

Donut worry, be happy.

Make an oval.

Make an oval.

Make a bigger oval around the first oval. Hey! Now we have a donut.

Make a bigger oval around the first oval. Hey! Now we have a donut.

Ice the donut

Ice the donut

Add a sweet face!

Add a sweet face!



Mimic dis: 🍰

Make a strawberry.

Make a strawberry.



Make two lines going down, the front one should be lower.

Make two lines going down, the front one should be lower.

Add the line at the bottom and a line just above the middle of you cake.

Add the line at the bottom and a line just above the middle of you cake.

Squiggly line.

Squiggly line.

The strawberry looks very peaceful on top of the cake.

The strawberry looks very peaceful on top of the cake.

Add a black eye for the cake. The icing in the middle acts as the mouth.

Add a black eye for the cake. The icing in the middle acts as the mouth.

Water ma melon.



Slightly rounded line at the bottom

Slightly rounded line at the bottom

Seeds, seeds, seeds.

Seeds, seeds, seeds.

Smiley face!

Smiley face!

Is it Muffin Time?

Cupcake liner and afro-like thing for the muffin.

Cupcake liner and afro-like thing for the muffin.

Decorate the cupcake liner.

Decorate the cupcake liner.

It's muff- oh wait, sorry, make a kawaii face.

It's muff- oh wait, sorry, make a kawaii face.

I'm sizzling!

Sqiggle, squiggle, squiggle.

Sqiggle, squiggle, squiggle.

Sometimes, you don't need a mouth.

Sometimes, you don't need a mouth.

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