How to draw calvin and hobbes

Draw Calvin and Hobbes


First lightly draw Hobbes's head and part of his arms.

First lightly draw Hobbes's head and part of his arms.

Now draw the rest of the arms and start Calvin's body.

Now draw the rest of the arms and start Calvin's body.

Now add Calvin's arm and add more head detail.

Now add Calvin's arm and add more head detail.

Next draw Hobbes's lower body portion.

Next draw Hobbes's lower body portion.

And now draw the tail.

And now draw the tail.

Now go back and start drawing in details such as stripes.

Now go back and start drawing in details such as stripes.

Continue drawing in those details. Don't forget Calvin's shirt!

Continue drawing in those details. Don't forget Calvin's shirt!

Now use your fine-tip sharpie to trace over your lines. Be sure not to trace over the lines you don't want.

Now use your fine-tip sharpie to trace over your lines. Be sure not to trace over the lines you don't want.

This is the drawing when it is fully inked.

This is the drawing when it is fully inked.

Now erase your pencil lines, leaving just the ink lines. Feel free to color your drawing! Enjoy!

Now erase your pencil lines, leaving just the ink lines. Feel free to color your drawing! Enjoy!

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Fine-tip sharpie
  • Eraser