How to draw anime chibi eyes

Draw Anime Chibi Eyes


Draw an oval

Draw an oval

Make two thick lines on the top and bottom

Make two thick lines on the top and bottom

Draw the main side lines

Draw the main side lines

Erase extra lines and draw one thick eyelash

Erase extra lines and draw one thick eyelash

Draw the inside shape

Draw the inside shape

Fill that in with the same color

Fill that in with the same color

Get a darker version of that color and make ombr\u00e9

Get a darker version of that color and make ombré

Make a hump with a lighter version of the color overlapping the first layer

Make a hump with a lighter version of the color overlapping the first layer

Make dots and highlights just for effect

Make dots and highlights just for effect

Erase the black outlines and make it white

See my chibi head tutorial for the basic shape

The creator of this guide has not included tools