How to draw an ice cream sundae

Draw an Ice Cream Sundae


Make an oval with a space in the middle for the bace of the wine glass so you have enough room for the stick.

Make an oval with a space in the middle for the bace of the wine glass so you have enough room for the stick.

Make one straight line starting from the edge on one side. Do the same with the other side

Make one straight line starting from the edge on one side. Do the same with the other side

Make a type of u shape as showed in the picture above. Know you have completed making the Wine Glass!!!

Make a type of u shape as showed in the picture above. Know you have completed making the Wine Glass!!!

Make 1 circle in the middle of the wine glass

Make 1 circle in the middle of the wine glass

Male 2 curves on the side of the circle so they look like balls

Male 2 curves on the side of the circle so they look like balls

Make another curve on top of the first circle but, make it a little wider so it looks a little bigger

Make another curve on top of the first circle but, make it a little wider so it looks a little bigger

Make a swirly top to make it look like you sprayed some delicious whipped cream. Add some squiggly lines in the cream to make it look more real

Make a swirly top to make it look like you sprayed some delicious whipped cream. Add some squiggly lines in the cream to make it look more real

Add some more squiggles to make it look like you squeezed some chocolate or caramel syrup

Add some more squiggles to make it look like you squeezed some chocolate or caramel syrup

Make dots on your sundae so it looks like you sprinkled some yummy  sprinkles

Make dots on your sundae so it looks like you sprinkled some yummy sprinkles

Finally to finish off add a cherry or any type of fruit on the top to make it the most delicious looking sundae in the world!!!!!!!!

Finally to finish off add a cherry or any type of fruit on the top to make it the most delicious looking sundae in the world!!!!!!!!

ENJOY your delicious sundae!!!!!!!!

  • Pencil or anything you can write with
  • Paper